Have you played since the 64bit update? The fps in multiplayer is a lot more stable for me at least however I'm still building a new pc just to play Desolation Redux. So yeah, I don't think we can ruin it even more The game is sooo CPU dependent and my CPU is still in top 50 when it comes to thread performance, I have the fastest GPU currently out on the market and I get 20 FPS dips in multiplayer which makes it unplayable.

Nope, I get a difference of 10 FPS between 720p lowest details and 1440p with everything on ultra and still can't hit stable 60FPS even in 720p. Latest News Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Update 1.64 NovemIn cooperation with the CorePatch team, we have prepared update 1.64 for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, which takes care of many issues, including Windows 10 support. I thought it may be the video settings so I played around with them. In a full server running a wasteland mission (no mods) I go between 20 and 40 FPS most of the time. TPW MODS is a modular and highly configurable suite of nearly 30 addons designed to increase the civilian, environmental, sonic, climatic and military ambience and realism of the A. In single player it works just fine and I get a nice stable 60 FPS outside cities. TPW MODS: ENHANCED REALISM AND IMMERSION FOR ARMA 3 SINGLE PLAYER.

It's like OP said - DayZ mod, PlayerUnknown's BattleRoyale, they wouldn't have come into being in any form if ArmA weren't there to provide the foundation - not just as a platform for modding, but as an existing gameplay experience which was uniquely receptive to those additional concepts.Ruin performance of ArmA3? I thought the devs ruined it plenty already? On and GTX1080 I can't run the game in 60 FPS in multiplayer no matter the video settings. These mods add stuff but they're built directly atop ArmA's sandbox, and don't augment or replace it in ways that fundimentally change the underlying game. If you've played ArmA 3 Battle Royale, you can play ArmA 3 Wasteland. There are also a lot of solo-friendly multiplayer missions like Wasteland, King of the. If you've played ArmA 2 DayZ, you can play ArmA 2 King of the Hill. You can easily enjoy all the singleplayer campaigns/missions/scenarios. They feel like extensions of ArmA more than they feel like completely distinct experiences or game modes. They're not that different from the base game from a core mechanical perspective, and in fact, rely so much on ArmA's central milsim elements and content slate that the experiences they provide wouldn't or couldn't have been achieved using other contemporary games as a base. DayZ and ArmA Battle Royales aren't like DOTA in that respect, if I'm understanding you correctly.