Cities skyline steam sale charts
Cities skyline steam sale charts

cities skyline steam sale charts

The variety of buildings available in the Steam Workshop is absolutely staggering, with some legitimately impressive creations such as Spain’s Lugo Cathedral, the Space Needle in Seattle, Doel Nuclear Power Station in Belgium, and the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, China. One of our favorite aspects of Cities: Skylines modding is the community’s ability to build real-world buildings to the game. They also show off some of the truly impressive creativity present in the Cities: Skylines community. They range from purely cosmetic to functional cornerstones of our city planning. These are mods that we’ve kept installed even while rotating others out. Below, I’ve chosen a small sampling of our favorites. With four years of mods to wade through, finding the ones worth downloading can be tough, though.

cities skyline steam sale charts

Others are more practical, such as mods that help you plan and build your roads better in order to reduce traffic problems. Many of the most popular mods are cosmetic and offer a package of building designs to add some extra flavor to your cities. That community includes a great deal of modders that have produced a legion of add-ons over the years. The sim management community latched onto Cities: Skylines right out of the gate, and the ensuing four years has seen its fan base grow and thrive. From beginning to end, it’s an intricate and fully-featured city builder. Starting with a completely blank plot of land, you need to consider everything from what kind of power you’ll use to keep it functioning and how to keep traffic flowing during rush hour.

cities skyline steam sale charts

It’s a robust and intricate city builder that would have any aspiring civil engineer foaming at the mouth. When it released in 2015, Cities: Skylines almost immediately became the go-to title for strategy gamers craving a good city management sim.

Cities skyline steam sale charts