This file complements the emulator for the legendary PlayStation. In case of any questions, we are here to help! Whether it is Gameboy Advance BIOS or PS2 BIOS download, Roms Planet has you covered. Recreate the console you miss and enjoy seamless compatibility with our rom BIOS. We offer supplementary files for three emulators. We care about convenience, so all files in our BIOS download section are free! If you are wondering how to download BIOS, this is a piece of cake! Most Popular ROM BIOS Mil gracias por esta pagina es la mejor que hay, bueno expongo mi caso: tengo un psp 3001 g9 con firmware neuron 6.60 actualizado y todo los megurges, y el emulador va de perlas, lo unico que me detiene es el programa para convertir las roms y generar las famosas 'cache' tengo una PC con sistema Kubuntu 12.10 de 64 bits, he logrado correr el. Upgrade your system now for trouble-free gaming. Without this component, your emulator is incomplete. Enjoy your favorite games with our GBA BIOS, PS1 BIOS, or PS2 BIOS. This piece of code ensures hassle-free startup of the emulator. Take a trip back in time with Roms Planet! We have a massive collection of upgraded console games and our BIOS rom guarantees smooth performance on modern screens. Run 6.60 PRO Updater on your PSP, and press X to install. If you're asked to merge the folders, say yes.

When I download your files for 6.20, all the files in my PSP say they are corrupted. Now to install the hack Download 6.60 PRO (Latest Version) Copy the folders in there straight onto your PSP's memory stick (or Go's internal storage). I tried to update it to 6.60 but my PSP decided it wouldn't accept the update so I have to stay with 6.20. Issues with pops (PS1 / PSX) games not loading are fixed which is why most people would probably want to update to this modded version.PSX BIOS - Playstation BIOS (SCPH1001.bin) Run the 6.60 update on your PSP and allow it to install. The above are the latest compiled versions of Yoti's Pro C2 mod and should be considered stable Yoti stated.

ISO / CSO Game Dump Playback - Backup your own UMD discs via USB and play them from Flash Storage.

Plugin Compatible - Add new features to your PSP via kernel mode background plugins.Homebrew Compatible - Run your own unsigned applications, both user and kernel mode.It's licensed under the GPLv3, and thus is under full control of the community, made by users for the users. Emuladores PSP: Aquí en esta página web encontrará una recopilación de emuladores PSP como el amiga, amstrad cpc, atari 800/xl/130 xe/5200, atari 2600, atari jaguar, capcom (cps1), capcom (cps2), comodore 64, game boy advance, game boy color, genesis, mega drive, mame, master sistem, msx, multiplataforma, entre otros. PRO Firmware is a Aftermarket Firmware for the Playstation Portable (PSP) PSP Custom Firmware PRO-C2 (14-02-2015) + Yoti mod